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about us

Welcome, welcome...

We produce audio and videos programs, including skits, short dramas, music videos, devotionals and Bible classes to feed the Word of God to children and adults alike.  Please also visit our studio website:, for updates on the production of our documentary films.


Family Lifelines is showing God’s Love in Action. It means missionary work helping those in need and sharing the Word of God wherever, whenever and with whomever, so that others can find their purpose and true meaning of life and to know that God cares for them.  We are also involved in feeding the homeless and the needy, and in supporting projects with helping orphans find Foster Homes. Outside the U.S., Family Lifelines is helping the deprived and destitute in Uganda and India.

People the world over are longing for the love of God and the heart of man is the same everywhere. Millions of people are searching for true love, the kind of love that will add that missing dimension to their life. In the sixth chapter of Luke, Jesus said “Give and it shall be given unto you, and by the same measure that you give, it shall be given unto you."  All of us who have lived a life of giving, can testify of that unspeakable joy that comes from loving God and loving our fellow man. We've had a taste of the peace, that passes all understanding that the Word of God promises, and we somehow have resources of love and understanding that seem inexhaustible. Why? Because God promised so, and it works.


Many people today are quick to criticize or question God’s Word, and yet, when it is lived out, we all experience the same feelings of fulfillment, of true happiness and satisfaction that comes not from gathering for ourselves, or seeking our own gain, but from helping others. When we share God’s love, we are able to forgive, because God has also forgiven us. We are able to suffer long, because God suffered long for us. We are able to be kind and not be easily provoked, and we are able to rejoice in the truth. We can bear all things, and we can endure all things, because God’s love never fails.  We are no longer pushed along, but we are inspired to follow God.


That is the reward that is waiting for all of us which begins with caring; and from caring to participating; and from participating to giving; and from giving, we become that seed, the corn of wheat which falls into the ground and dies, and then brings forth much fruit.  All these Biblical principles are true and they work.  We have committed ourselves to support anyone who wants to live the Word of God, and share it with others. Jesus said “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19).  Disciples?  YES… the ones who not only ‘talk the talk’, but ‘walk the walk’, like Jesus did.

Would you like to help us get behind this movement of making disciples, that is sweeping the world?  You too will get a taste of the unspeakable joy, and of that peace that passes all understanding.  We thank you on the behalf of those that you touch through your giving. From the youngest to the oldest, they all say “Thank You”!

Helping the Orphans

We are extensively involved in helping foster children find permanent, loving homes.  We invite you to join us in our quest to find families for every parentless child.

Youth Counseling

From coast to coast, we have met thousands of teens and young people who are battling with depression and abuse. Reaching out to them is both challenging and rewarding.  We invite you to join us in our work to giving today's youth the answer they are looking for: redemtion in Jesus Christ.


Family Lifelines is involved in the production of five life-changing documentaries. including: "What is Salvation"; "Life After Death?"; "The Revolution"; "Discipleship Today"; and "The 100 Most Important Bible Quotes". Please visit our sister website for details.

Gospel Music Ministry

Our musicians compose, record and produce original Gospel music.  Songs of faith, love and hope are aimed to bring comfort and healing to everyone. We specialize in putting video to our music. If you would like us to help you record your own original Gospel music, please contact us.

Volunteer Groups

Family Lifelines is involved in projects that help the poor and needy, the down and out and homeless youth. It's a big job and we can't do it by ourselves. We need your help. If you would like to get involved on any level, we look forward to hearing from you today.

Behind the Scenes
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